Six Sigma In Digital Marketing

Now a days apart from the traditional methods of marketing of television, newspapers, advertisement hoardings etc ; digital marketing is now the talk of the importance and more and more people are found using the medium for marketing their products. However it requires lot of skills including web designing, search Engine optimisation, content creation and data analysis.

DMAIC is one of the principle techniques in Six Sigma. It is data driven strategy to improve the marketing process without hindrances. The word DMAIC is an Acronym used for the five connected phases as DEFINE, MEASURE, ANALYSE, IMPROVE AND CONTROL. Same can be summarised as below:

Define– Identifying the problems and finding out concrete solutions to resolve the problems
Measure– Collecting the current data base as to find where currently the Company is standing in terms of the Companies into digital marketing.
Analyze Analysing the current database and figuring out what are the in demand things and what are getting maximum clicks on social media and what is the latest trend in the digital market.
Improve– On after analysing the database finding out the a process which leads to improvement in the selected areas. Ensuring that no wastes created during the process and that only effective processes are put into C
Control– Setting controlling guidelines and ways and means to get the set Goals most effective and their sustainability
Hence Six Sigma is a unique method to understand the need of the customer and is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving the desired results, sustaining them and in turn maximising the business results

Then the next question arises is what is the meaning of LEAN SIX SIGMA: It is a set of tools and methods used to minimise the waste and maximising the results in the process of implementation of SIX SIGMA tool DMAIC.

People having proficiency in this method are given BELTS of different colors or you can say levels which signifies experience based on the managerial abilities of the person in dealing with the process of SIX SIGMA.

Benefits of Six Sigma in Digital Marketing :
Time management efficiency: Six sigma tools above help the managers to improve the working of the Company and process the work flow without interruptions. Time saved by applying these techniques may be invested in improving the other areas of the Company which in turn will improve the overall business efficiency.
Reduced cycle time: With six sigma tools in implementation there minimal chances of break down in the Company’s work flow. Company is able to meet its targets well in time and deadlines to me as targeted. If the DMAIC methodology is used effectively and actively by the managers and each employee are held responsible for their duties and responsibilities, all the loop holes are identified well in advance and corrective measures are taken then the work cycle time can be reduced by 35%. This ensures timely reduce business expenses deliveries and optimum results.
Supply Chain Management: Managing the supply chain is a crucial step in an organisation. Any problems here will directly affect the Company’s end result. Six Sigma tool like DMAIC can assist the Managers to improve efficiency by cutting down the number of suppliers that the company is dependant on which in turn becomes cost effective and results into lesser defects in the work process flow.
Customer satisfaction : Every company intends to make its customers happy which the key factor in the current competitive world of marketing. Six sigma helps to analyse a customer’s perspective on its product and measure the satisfaction levels and also to figure the dissatisfied areas. The chances of dissatisfaction are reduced to a considerable extent. If the expectation of the customers are met then it will result into customer’s loyalty and also in turn invite new customers
Hence to summarise in the end SIX Sigma works in improving continuous quality management, customer satisfaction, reduced Company cost. Companies are benefiting from its implementation and hence Six Sigma is getting implemented in more and more companies and professionals like Black Belts are getting recruited to make the implementation process effective.

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